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A Start to 2019

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

I would love to start out the 2019 year with sharing one of the collars I made the other day for a customer. I seriously love how it turned out!

For starts this is one of my favorite designs. I call this one The Captain Collar, also known as the Chevron Collar. It takes a lot of time but the end result is beautiful. Depending on the size ordered it could take me anywhere from two to four hours to finish this design.

This is how I start the collar out, I work from the tail end of the collar up to the front buckle. This is the quick part. When I add in the next cord to get the alternating chevron effect is when it becomes time consuming.

This customer chose the colors “Salamon”, “Gunmetal”, and “Silver”. I have to say they have very good taste. I love how these colors look together. Once I come closer to the end I weave in the D-ring and then finish the collar by cutting the cord and melting it with a lighter into itself.

Here is what the finish product looks like.

I love seeing the color combinations that my customers come up with! Here are some others that I have done over the year.

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