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Captain’s Vacation 2020

Wow, what a year 2020 has been so far. The world seems totally crazy! Captain and I have escaped all the crazy by going up north to the cabin. We have so been looking forward to this. We have only one goal and that is to RELAX!

The cabin is located in northern Minnesota and let me tell you it is beautiful up here. If you’ve never been to northern Minnesota, please, make the trip! My favorite part is how untouched the landscape and scenery is. The air is so crisp and clean. It is truly a sight to see.

Captain and I started our vacation Monday night when we made the venture up. By the time we arrived it was late, probably around 11:00 PM. So naturally we had to hit the hay right away. The following morning we got up early and found so many beautiful things to take pictures of. After breakfast we headed out on the lake for some fishing! Even though we didn’t catch much it was still a blast.

After fishing we came in and had a nice lunch and relaxed in the sun. The rest of the days were pretty much a repeat of fishing, relaxing, and canoeing. It doesn’t sound like anything special but it sure beats being at work! I always find it funny that on the first day, you think to yourself that the last day of vacation is so far away. Next thing you know you’re packing up to go home! I’ll attach the rest of the photos that I took. I will be counting down the days until vacation 2021!

Lots of opportunities to take product pictures!
Captain’s treat from Von Hansen Meats.
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October 2019 Highlights

Captain’s Gotcha Day

Captain’s Gotcha Day is October 12th, 2017. He has been a part of our family for 2 years now! For Captain’s special day we spent all day doing his favorite activities. They include napping, hanging out outside, & getting lots of attention.

Winter Collection Release

13 new winter themed collars were added to our Etsy shop! They all turned out so great and we are very excited about them!

We also have new metal buckles from Krafthaus Supply. They add the perfect touch!

Captain’s Cardiologist Visit

On Oct. 8th we took Captain to meet with a cardiologist. Back in July the vet had discovered an irregular heartbeat and suggested we see a specialist. The appointment was located at the U of M Vet Hospital. Captain had the time of his life. So many new sniffs and people. He loved giving the vet tech kisses! Turns out everything checked out just fine.

The vet believes Captain had some inflammation from his liver that may have spread to the heart back in July. Chris and I are so happy that he is healthy!

Subaru Loves Pets

October 22nd was Subaru’s first ever Make a Dogs Day. Pet owners were encouraged to do something special for their pets on this day. After work I stopped by the local pet store, Bubbles to Biscuits and picked Captain up a new toy and a treat. Captain was so excited! Chris and I gave him the new toy first. It was a furry plush ball. He loved it so much that he had to bring it to bed that night. To finish off the night Captain got his treat! It was a braided chew. Captain really had his day made.

September – October Donation

For the month of September to October we were able to raise $74.08 for the St. Paul Police Department K9 Fountain! The SPPD K9 Foundation provides funding, education, and support for the St. Paul Police K9 unit. They also work to help establish K9 units to other police departments that do not have K9 units.

For the months of November to December we will be donating to Grey Face Rescue & Retirement located in St. Cloud Mn! Grey Face Rescue & Retirement focuses on pets ages 7 and older. They provide care and love to seniors and work to place them in loving homes for the remainder of their lives! Check out their website to learn more.

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Why Buy from Captain’s Collars?

If you haven’t purchased from Captain’s Collars yet here a few reasons why you should.

Profits Help Homeless Animals

This is a great reason why to buy a collar from Captain’s Collars. 15% of profits are donated back to shelters and no kill shelters! When you purchase a collar and leash from Captain’s Collars you are contributing to a great cause.

Every two months I choose one non-profit rescue or no kill shelter to donate to. If someone has a rescue or shelter they would like their purchase to be donated to I encourage them to write me a note when they checkout at my Etsy shop to let me know and I will donate to the shelter or rescue of their choice.

For the year of 2018, Captain and I were able to donate $700 to rescues and shelters. We hope to double that number for the year of 2019.

Support Small Business

When you purchase from Captain’s Collars you are supporting a small business. When you purchase from any small business you are supporting someones dream, hard work, and creativity.

Being a small business owner myself, I try my best to go to small businesses around my town for products that I need. When you purchase from a small business it really makes that small business owner’s day.

Exceptional Quality

If supporting a great cause and supporting a small business doesn’t seem like enough reason to buy from Captain’s Collars then maybe the exceptional quality of the products will be the icing on top of the cake. Every collar and leash made goes through a very thorough quality control inspection.

Here are some reviews left by very happy customers!

Head over to   to pick out your new collar and leash!

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A Start to 2019

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

I would love to start out the 2019 year with sharing one of the collars I made the other day for a customer. I seriously love how it turned out!

For starts this is one of my favorite designs. I call this one The Captain Collar, also known as the Chevron Collar. It takes a lot of time but the end result is beautiful. Depending on the size ordered it could take me anywhere from two to four hours to finish this design.

This is how I start the collar out, I work from the tail end of the collar up to the front buckle. This is the quick part. When I add in the next cord to get the alternating chevron effect is when it becomes time consuming.

This customer chose the colors “Salamon”, “Gunmetal”, and “Silver”. I have to say they have very good taste. I love how these colors look together. Once I come closer to the end I weave in the D-ring and then finish the collar by cutting the cord and melting it with a lighter into itself.

Here is what the finish product looks like.

I love seeing the color combinations that my customers come up with! Here are some others that I have done over the year.